
TEAM selects Logic Melon as their Preferred multiple job posting and candidate management provider

maandag 7 februari 2011

TEAM is the largest network of independent recruiters in the UK and offers a unique range of services and benefits to members. TEAM is proud to announce the selection of LogicMelon as their multiple job posting preferred supplier. TEAM view the unique features, usability, customer service and enhanced analytics as significant value offerings for TEAM members. TEAM also appreciated LogicMelon's consultative approach to their clients..

Liz Longman, Managing Director for TEAM, stated;
Liz Longman "We are delighted to be working with LogicMelon on behalf of our members. LogicMelon have taken time to understand the membership and their needs and we feel this will bring benefits to the membership by saving time, money and increased efficiency in their businesses."

Darren Brown, Director for LogicMelon welcomes TEAM;
Darren Brown "We are delighted to be working with TEAM in supplying their members with multiple job posting, candidate management, applicant tracking and CV searching services. TEAM scour the market place for the best value and most innovative services for their members and we are very proud to be a part of that."

LogicMelon brings a fresh approach to the job posting and applicant tracking market; the flexible and customisable software is a perfect fit for any forward thinking organisation. LogicMelon is there to stream line your processes and make your recruitment more effective; whether you are advertising on job boards, social media sites, or CV searching.

For more information on TEAM and the benefits for your own organisation visit
For more information on LogicMelon and to claim your special deal as a TEAM member visit

Free trials are available to companies who have never used a multiposting tool and to those who currently use a competitive product and would like to see the reporting tool at work. Call LogicMelon on 0845 126 3997 or sign up for a FREE TRIAL .

TEAM - largest network of independent recruiters in the UK